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Англо-русский политический словарь - radio


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Перевод с английского языка radio на русский




to go on radio to say that ... — говорить в своем выступлении по радио, что ...

to go on state radio — выступать по государственному радио

to speak over the radio — выступать по радио

black radiostate radiostate-owned radiostate-controlled radiowhite radioby the radioover the radio

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См. в других словарях

  telescope noun astr. радиотелескоп RADIO telephone noun радиотелефон RADIO  1. noun  1) радио; радиовещание  2) радиоприемник  3) радиограмма  2. v. передавать по радио; посылать радиограмму, радировать RADIO aerial радиоантенна RADIO astronomy noun astr. радиоастрономи RADIO beacon радиомаяк RADIO biology радиобиологи RADIO cassette noun плейер с радио RADIO engineering радиотехника RADIO net(work) noun радиосеть RADIO show радиопостановка ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. радио to send a message by radio —- передать сообщение по радио; сообщить радиограммой I heard it on (over) the radio —- я слышал это по радио 2. радиовещание to speak on the radio —- выступить по радио (в программе радиовещания) 3. радиоприемник portable radio —- портативный радиоприемник 4. радиограмма to receive a radio —- получить радиограмму 5. разг. сокр. от radiography и radiology 6. относящийся к радио, радиовещанию или радиосвязи radio announcer —- диктор радио radio play —- пьеса для радио; радиопостановка radio navigation —- воен. воздушная радионавигация radio bomb —- воен. бомба с радиовзрывателем radio deception —- воен. радиодезинформация, радиообман radio detection —- воен. обнаружение при помощи радиотехнических средств; радиотехническая разведка radio facility —- спец. радиосредство связи или навигации radio intelligence —- воен. радиоразведка; перехват радиопередач противника radio intercept —- радиоперехват radio repair —- ремонт радиооборудования radio procedure —- порядок радиосвязи radio alert —- воен. готовность радиостанций к работе radio silence —- радиомолчание radio jamming —- искусственные помехи, глушение радиопередачи radio monitoring —- воен. радиоподслушивание; воен. контроль работы своих радиостанций radio warfare —- воен. радиовойна; боевое...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) передавать по радио 2) радио 3) радиоприемник 4) радиоприемный aeronautical radio station — авиационная радиостанция aircraft radio station — бортовая радиостанция amateur radio communication — любительская радиосвязь amateur radio operator — радио коротковолновик, радиолюбитель atmospheric radio wave — атмосферная радиоволна aural radio range — звуковой маяк board radio station — бортовая радиостанция broadcasting radio station — широковещательная радиостанция closing-down of radio station — свертывание радиостанции communications radio receiver — связной радиоприемник direct radio wave — прямая радиоволна disrupt radio communication — нарушать радиосвязь duplex radio system — дуплексная радиосвязь electronic radio equipment — аппаратура радиоэлектронная facsimile radio station — радиофототелеграфная станция fixed radio station — стационарная радиостанция get on for radio contact — выходить на связь ground radio station — наземная радиостанция ground radio wave — земная радиоволна high-altitude radio altimeter — радиовысотомер больших высот inter-train radio circuit — внутрипоездная радиосвязь interferometer radio telescope — интерференционный радиотелескоп ionospheric radio communication — ионосферная радиосвязь magnetic radio bearing — магнитный радиопеленг maintain radio contact — поддерживать радиосвязь man-pack radio set — ранцевая радиостанция microwave radio link —...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) радиовещание 2) радиосвязь 3) радиостанция – adaptive radio – automated radio – cellular mobile radio – clock radio – combatholder radio – data radio – digital-microwave radio – distance radio – FM/AM clock radio – line radio – long-haul radio – long-wave radio – mobile radio – motorcycle radio – multiband radio – scanning radio – telegraph radio – terrestrial-microwave radio – two-way radio – UHF radio – VHF radio – voice-powered radio ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) радиосвязь 2) радиовещание; радиопередача 3) радиостанция 4) радиоприёмник 5) радиограмма 6) передавать по радио; радировать - airborne radio - AM radio - amateur radio - antijam radio - auto radio - backpack radio - battery-operated radio - car radio - cellular radio - cofrequency radio - digital microwave radio - dispatcher-to-train radio - diversity radio - duplex radio - end-to-end radio - fixed-frequencyradio - FM radio - frequency-hopping radio - guided radio - half-duplex radio - ham radio - hand-held radio - helmet radio - line radio - long-haul radio - mains-operated radio - manpack radio - mobile radio - monophonic radio - narrowband radio - packet radio - point-to-train radio - portable radio - scanning radio - short-wave radio - simplex radio - stereophonic radio - train-to-wayside radio - troposcatter radio - tuned-radio-frequency radio - tuned-frequency radio - two-way radio - wired radio - wireless radio ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. (pl. -os) 1 (often attrib.) a the transmission and reception of sound messages etc. by electromagnetic waves of radio-frequency (cf. WIRELESS). b an apparatus for receiving, broadcasting, or transmitting radio signals. c a message sent or received by radio. 2 a sound broadcasting in general (prefers the radio). b a broadcasting station or channel (Radio One). --v. (-oes, -oed) 1 tr. a send (a message) by radio. b send a message to (a person) by radio. 2 intr. communicate or broadcast by radio. Phrases and idioms radio astronomy the branch of astronomy concerned with the radio-frequency range of the electromagnetic spectrum. radio cab (or car) a cab or car equipped with a two-way radio. radio fix the position of an aircraft, ship, etc., found by radio. radio galaxy a galaxy emitting radiation in the radio-frequency range of the electromagnetic spectrum. radio ham see HAM. radio star a small star etc. emitting strong radio waves. radio telescope a directional aerial system for collecting and analysing radiation in the radio-frequency range from stars etc. Etymology: short for radio-telegraphy etc. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: 2~ or ~-  Date: 1887  1. of, relating to, or operated by radiant energy  2. of or relating to electric currents or phenomena (as electromagnetic radiation) of frequencies between about 3000 hertz and 300 gigahertz  3.  a. of, relating to, or used in ~ or a ~ set  b. specializing in ~ or associated with the ~ industry  c.  (1) transmitted by ~  (2) making or participating in ~ broadcasts  d. controlled or directed by ~  II. noun  (plural ~s)  Etymology: short for ~telegraphy  Date: 1903  1.  a. the wireless transmission and reception of electric impulses or signals by means of electromagnetic waves  b. the use of these waves for the wireless transmission of electric impulses into which sound is converted  2. a ~ message  3. a ~ receiving set  4.  a. a ~ transmitting station  b. a ~ broadcasting organization  c. the ~ broadcasting industry  d. communication by ~  III. verb  Date: 1913  transitive verb  1. to send or communicate by ~  2. to send a ~ message to  intransitive verb to send or communicate something by ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (radios, radioing, radioed) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Radio is the broadcasting of programmes for the public to listen to, by sending out signals from a transmitter. The announcement was broadcast on radio and television. N-UNCOUNT: oft N n 2. You can refer to the programmes broadcast by radio stations as the radio. A lot of people tend to listen to the radio in the mornings... N-SING: the N 3. A radio is the piece of equipment that you use in order to listen to radio programmes. He sat down in the armchair and turned on the radio. N-COUNT 4. Radio is a system of sending sound over a distance by transmitting electrical signals. They are in twice daily radio contact with the rebel leader. N-UNCOUNT: oft N n 5. A radio is a piece of equipment that is used for sending and receiving messages. ...the young constable who managed to raise the alarm on his radio... N-COUNT 6. If you radio someone, you send a message to them by radio. The officer radioed for advice... A few minutes after take-off, the pilot radioed that a fire had broken out. VERB: V adv/prep, V that, also V n, V ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a) a piece of electronic equipment which you use to listen to programmes that are broadcast, such as music and news  (turn on the radio | listening to the radio in the car | on the radio (=broadcast on a radio))  (an interesting program on the radio this morning) b) the radio programmes that are broadcast on the radio, considered in general  (I don't really listen to the radio much.) c) the sending or receiving of programmes by radio  (Radio was a powerful medium during the war years, keeping up people's morale.) 2 the activity of making and broadcasting programmes which can be heard on a radio  (David Jason worked in radio before TV. | local/national radio (=programmes or companies broadcasting for a local area, or for the whole country) | radio programme/show/drama etc)  (John Peel's late-night radio show) 3 a) a piece of electronic equipment, for example on a plane or ship, which can send and receive spoken messages b) the sending or receiving of these messages  (We've lost radio contact.) ~2 v to send a message using a radio  (The ship radioed for help. | Radio London for permission to land.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1907, abstracted from earlier combinations such as radiophone (1881) and radio-telegraphy, from radiation. Use for "radio receiver" is first attested 1917. Wireless remained more widespread until World War II, when military preference for radio turned the tables. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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